


Content Strategy

Content  strategy isn't just something you "do." Creating useful, consistent content is a 24/7, organizational commitment to defining, protecting, and promoting your brand. I can help you build a governance framework to plan, coordinate, and manage your content (from copy to forms to image mapping), and work with you on key positioning to ensure your customers get the right message at the right time every time they interact with your business.


Your voice is your calling card and sets you apart from your competitors. Who are you? Who do think you are? Funky yet authoritative? Funny yet poignant? Warm yet serious? Chances are you have a great voice and just need some help getting it sorted out. I can work with you to edit out noise and transfer everything great about your brand into a confident, consistent voice that fits your values and business.

Conceptual Thinking

Bubbling between research and implementation is conceptual thinking. Ditching the spreadsheets, analysis, and structure (for a bit) and letting the right brain loose. Experimentation. Ideation. Throwing thoughts at the wall to see what ideas stick and still fall within your short and long-term marketing vision.

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